

At the Nublock group, our mission is to redefine success in the business landscape. We provide cutting-edge technology solutions, strategic real estate investments, and expert consulting on business formations to empower enterprises. With a commitment to innovation and excellence, we propel growth and create lasting value, contributing to a thriving and dynamic business ecosystem..

Associated Companies

Third Strand Studios
Third Strand Studio, specialize in conceptualizing, designing, and developing cutting-edge applications and websites for the digital realm. With a passion for Web3, Metaverse, fintech, and game development, we thrive on crafting innovative solutions in these dynamic spaces.
Smart Formations AI
Smart Formations, your trusted partner in company formation and registration. Specializing in a wide range of incorporation services across the globe, they cater to startups, web3 projects, e-commerce businesses, international enterprises, and wealthy individuals looking to optimize their tax strategies. Whether you're looking to establish a new business or need expert guidance on Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs), Smart Formation AI driven engine will provide the most efficient structure for your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a holding company

A holding company is a type of business entity that owns the outstanding stock of other companies. Its primary purpose is to control these companies, which are referred to as subsidiaries. Holding companies typically do not produce goods or services themselves; rather, they manage and oversee the operations of their subsidiaries.

Why Do You use holding companies in your corporate structure

Holding companies, such as NUBLOCK HOLDINGS UK LTD, play a crucial role in our corporate structure due to several strategic benefits:

Centralized Management and Control:

Holding companies enable centralized oversight, ensuring that all subsidiaries align with the overall corporate vision and objectives, facilitating strategic decision-making.
Risk Mitigation:

By segregating assets and liabilities across various subsidiaries, we minimize the impact of financial or legal issues in one subsidiary on the entire corporate group.
Enhanced Financial Flexibility:

Holding companies provide the ability to allocate capital and resources efficiently, optimizing investment opportunities and ensuring smooth operations across all business units.
Tax Efficiency:

Utilizing holding companies can lead to significant tax benefits, such as consolidated tax obligations and advantages from tax treaties and incentives, resulting in overall tax savings.
Simplified Reporting and Compliance:

Holding companies streamline financial reporting and compliance processes by consolidating subsidiaries' financial statements, making regulatory compliance easier and ensuring transparency.
Asset Protection:

Holding companies safeguard valuable assets like intellectual property and real estate by holding them separately from operating entities, minimizing exposure to operational risks.
Facilitating Mergers and Acquisitions:

Holding companies provide a flexible structure for integrating new businesses, facilitating growth and expansion without disrupting existing operations.
Operational Efficiency:

Centralizing administrative and support functions within the holding company leads to economies of scale and cost savings, enhancing the overall performance of the corporate group.
Overall, the use of holding companies like NUBLOCK HOLDINGS UK LTD provides significant strategic advantages, contributing to the robust and sustainable growth of our business.

Why do you appoint NUBLOCK HOLDINGS UK as a corporate director

Appointing NUBLOCK HOLDINGS UK LTD as a corporate director offers several strategic advantages aimed at enhancing governance, operational efficiency, and regulatory compliance.


Centralized Governance:

NUBLOCK HOLDINGS UK LTD helps centralize decision-making processes and governance functions. This centralization ensures smoother communication and alignment of strategic objectives across the subsidiary and other entities within our corporate group.

Risk Mitigation:

As a UK entity adhering to stringent regulatory standards and corporate governance practices, NUBLOCK HOLDINGS UK LTD provides an additional layer of risk management. This helps mitigate risks associated with directorial responsibilities and ensures compliance with statutory obligations and fiduciary duties.

Enhanced Credibility:

The involvement of a reputable corporate entity like NUBLOCK HOLDINGS UK LTD enhances the credibility of our subsidiary among stakeholders, including investors, clients, and regulatory bodies. This boosts confidence in our corporate governance practices and strengthens our market reputation.

Flexibility and Continuity:

Corporate directors offer flexibility and continuity, especially during changes in management or ownership. NUBLOCK HOLDINGS UK LTD ensures stability and seamless transitions, safeguarding the interests of our subsidiary and stakeholders.

Level of Control:

While NUBLOCK HOLDINGS UK LTD holds the directorship position, its control over the subsidiary is limited to governance and decision-making processes as outlined by applicable laws and regulations. Operational control and day-to-day management remain with the subsidiary's executive management team.

In summary, appointing NUBLOCK HOLDINGS UK LTD as a corporate director enhances governance, mitigates risks, bolsters credibility, and ensures continuity within our directorship structure. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of corporate governance and regulatory compliance.

How does a holding company differ from an operating company

A holding company primarily owns shares in other companies and does not engage in day-to-day business operations. In contrast, an operating company is directly involved in producing goods or providing services. The holding company oversees and manages its operating subsidiaries but does not participate in their daily activities.

What is a group, subsidiary and associated company

According to HMRC (Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs), the classification of group companies and subsidiaries is based on the percentage of equity ownership and the level of control exercised by the parent company.

Group Companies:

For HMRC purposes, group companies are defined as companies where the parent company owns 75% or more of the equity shares.

Equity Ownership : The parent company must hold at least 75% of the voting shares of the subsidiary to be considered part of the same group for tax and regulatory purposes.

Control and Influence : This level of ownership allows the parent company to exert significant control and influence over the group companies, including the ability to direct strategic decisions and policies.

Tax Implications: Group companies can benefit from tax advantages such as group relief, which allows losses in one company to be offset against profits in another within the same group.

Subsidiary Companies

A subsidiary is a company that is controlled by another company, known as the parent company, typically through majority ownership of its voting shares.

Equity Ownership: The parent company must own more than 50% of the voting shares in the subsidiary to establish control.

Full Control: With a majority stake, the parent company has full control over the subsidiary’s operations, management, and strategic direction.

Financial Reporting: Subsidiaries are required to consolidate their financial statements with those of the parent company, providing a comprehensive view of the group’s financial health.

Associated Companies

When a company owns less than 50% of another company, it is typically referred to as an "associated company"

Ownership Percentage: An associated company is generally defined as a company where another company owns at least 25% but less than 50% of its shares.

Significant Influence: The ownership stake allows the parent company to exert significant influence over the associated company, but not full control.

Tax Implications: The relationship between associated companies can affect certain tax calculations, such as the distribution of corporation tax allowances.

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Our Clients

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Joanna Smith @zeng
“Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.“
Coco White @white_co
“Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.”
Jennifer Marle @motech
“Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquaduis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.”
Maria Martinez @yorgu.official

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Marshall Islands Trust Company Complex, Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro, Marshall Islands, MH96960